Roach Control - INSECTA
Sewer Collection Systems Your Source For:
INSECTA California Service Provider for Sewer Manhole Cockroach Control
Your solution to the nasty problem of roaches in your sewer manholes.
For the last several decades, insect pests have been destroyed by the use of a frequent, repeat application of chemical insecticides. While these chemicals are regulated by the EPA and are administered in accordance with the strict governmental guidelines, over the course of time, homes and other buildings have been saturated with pesticides. Those chemicals evaporate, get washed away, and re-application is a constant necessity.
The innovative chemists at INSECTA found a better way. They developed a patented method of locking the chemical into a non-evaporating latex coating that would last several times longer than conventional spray applications. This gives the product the unique ability to kill the roaches for 18 months from the date of treatment – GUARANTEED!
For cities, INSECTA is a safe and efficient way to save money, time, and manpower, keeping sewer manholes free of roaches. INSECTA kills roaches that carry disease-causing agents like E.coli, salmonella, and hepatitis, which reduces the health threat to city employees, their customers, and the general public.
INSECTA is a Federal, and California State licensed pesticide for sewer manhole cockroach control.
Our crews will come to your city and apply the INSECTA product to each of your sewer manholes. They will apply a coat of INSECTA to the inside surface of the manhole shaft up to 7 feet deep, or to the shelf in shallow manholes. It leaves the sewer manholes brighter, cleaner, and more sanitary by ridding it of disease-causing roaches.
Additionally, our roach control service provides for each manhole to receive an informal inspection- Our crews must remove the manhole lids to apply the INSECTA, allowing the manhole to be observed for debris, roots, and water backing up into the manhole. BONUS we have prevented many sewer spills.
For a service proposal and pricing please use our contact form.
Advantages To Using INSECTA For Roach Control In Sewer Manholes
18 Months Guarantee: You won’t have to deal with roaches in the sewer manholes for up to 18 months
White Latex Protective Coating: Brightens and cleans manholes making inspections easier
Polymer Impregnated with Insecticide: Won’t rub or wash off. You must break the polymer chain to release the insecticide. The mucous on the feet of the insect breaks down the polymer
Coating: Not a solvent – not soluble in water and leaves a washable surface. If manholes become wet or overflow, you won’t lose the product
EPA Approved 0.86% Chlorpyrifos Over 18 months: Helps protect the environment with fewer repeat applications
Not a Repellent: Roaches typically don’t run to escape the product
Light Odor: Light paint smell when applying and then dries odorless
Kills Roaches for 18 months: Stops disease, interrupts the breeding cycles, eliminating adult and juvenile roaches
INSECTA a safe and efficient way to save money, time and manpower, while solving the nasty problem of sewer roaches.
Bonus Advantages To Treating Sewer Manholes With INSECTA
Personal Safety: No running out into traffic trying to get roaches off your person
Personal Health Protection: No disease infected roaches crawling on workers giving them infectious rashes or sickness
Informal Manhole Inspection: All lids are removed, and any abnormalities are reported
Instant Notification: Notification of our crews if they find any backed up/surging manholes or broken manholes lids
Ready to Improve Your Sewer Systems?
Contact our experts today for trusted solutions in roach control, odor elimination, and grease management since 1979.